Week #28, 2020

  • Napa cabbage or regular cabbage
  • Broccoli or cauliflower
  • Red  and green peppers
  • Hot peppers
  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • Kale, chard or collards
  • Spinach
  • Radicchio or lettuce
  • Onions
  • Daikon radish or Spanish radish 

 We can smell it, we can taste it, we feel the end of the season is near. After this week we have one final week of the 2020 regular season. As far as farming goes we feel like in general the year was successful. Crops that we planted and anticipated for the most part provided. We offered a wide variety of vegetables to our subscribers with a bounty. We had our fair share of successes from early lettuce and greens in the spring to an abundance of sugar snap peas and green beans, tomatoes, peppers and the like. We wish there would have been more cucumbers and more zucchini but maybe the quantity was sufficient and not overwhelming. Our greenhouse tomatoes were plentiful and have kept on producing and so far so good no frost to knock them out. The fall has had enough rain so that crops like broccoli and cauliflower and radicchio could and thrive and not rot. 

We hope we have introduced you to vegetables you might not have chosen in the grocery store. Plenty of daikon, radicchio and fennel, Italian and Japanese delicacies that celebrate and cherish vegetables. We hope that at least one of them has become something you look forward to. It is almost November. We can feel the hope in the air that we can turn this country around and move to regain the soul of America. Lately in the morning as I run on the treadmill I have been watching Immigration Nation and I long for a country that welcomes immigrants, that provides asylum for those fleeing repressive governments and dangerous situations. There is so much work to be done but right now we have to make sure that November is the month that we get this orange haired buffoon and incredibly dangerous man out of office. Then we can mover forward in this country to reform and move towards saving our planet. Our work is not done in November it has just begun but it will be with new hope that we can enact policy that repairs inequity and heals the hatred that has been unleashed in the past four years.

 We hope for the success of our long time CSA member Lisa Reynolds in her bid for state representative. We look forward to remaining engaged in loca,l state and national politics in a productive fashion that is not about fighting against but moving forward to a better nation and a better world. To those of you who marched yesterday thank you, thank you for your contribution to a better voice and for remaining engaged.

 Please remain vigilant about the coronavirus, cases are on the rise and in part this is due to peoples exhaustion and fatigue around restrictions. I see this in my work every day. We cannot let down our guard Please continue to be leaders in your families. We need to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas and Halloween in different ways and be creative but not gather in large groups indoors or even small family groups indoors.

 On the best personal note, our eldest son Jacob arrives today and after seven months of quarantine living in Homer Alaska he comes here to join us for the next weeks to months and we can’t wait. I was thinking this morning I’ve got all those families that are separated for years due to the Trump administration‘s immigration policies and my heart aches. We must reverse this trend. We must enlist an army of lawyers and advocate to get families reunited. I hope 2021 is the year that people can reunite.

Shoot out to my sister Diane – Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday Max (my nephew and Diane’s son!) Today is that special day, we will celebrate tonight with a special distanced family dinner of Carne Adovada, Puntarella salad and Corn pudding! Cake is a surprise

Please vote. Consider Voting for Lisa Reynolds https://www.lisafororegon.com/ if you can (HD 36), she is a powerhouse. She has worked for years to enact strong gun regulations to protect children and has been active on the streets this summer in support of Black Lives and so much more. Vote for Dean Moberg https://www.deanmoberg.com/ for Tualitin Valley Water Commission. He is an advocate for small farmers and for conservation of our environment. We have known him for years as he helped us make our little piece of land better for crops and for wildlife.

Off to harvest – Please make a delicious recipe of radicchio – it is a delicacy you will enjoy if you give it a ice water bath!






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