Week #8, 2021

  •  Radish
  •  Lettuce
  • Chinese broccoli
  • Herb (parsley, dill or cilantro)
  • sugar snap peas
  • Spinach
  • kale, chard or collards
  • onions 
  • Zucchini, kohlrabi or garlic scapes (a hodge podge of items just coming and going)
  • Fennel (We decided to harvest with 90 degree weather coming it will not last)

This past week my sister and Dan helped me transplant the eggplant. Diego helped transplant the tomatillos and the garden is almost full. Juvencio planted every available space with potatoes so I sure hope you love those spuds. We ended up having a few new potatoes last week so some people got a little basket full, there are many more to come. This nice long weekend with one extra day to work I hope to transplant all the winter squash and fill the north side of the field garden. Juvencio has tilted and created a beautiful space and I am racing to get that area planted before weeds take over. Our Catlin students helped us transplant four beds of leeks and two more beds of cucumbers. The previously planted cucumbers have flowers so we’re hopeful that in a few weeks we will be swimming in cucumbers and zucchini. The tomatoes I pruned and Juvencio tied up last week are all standing erect and covered in flowers. We see the first tiny tomatoes taking set.

 We hope you will enjoy our new variety of Romaine lettuce. Her name is Blue Rock. The leaves are crunchy and full of flavor and hold onto salad dressing well. It’s probably time that you make a Caesar salad if that is something that you enjoy as we head into summer. When I get home from the farmers market today I will seed the pumpkins. I’m running a little bit behind on that area but hopefully we will produce some nice pumpkins for the fall. I spent more time than I had hoped weeding my flower garden and hauling those horrible weeds out of the beds today I hope to transplant into the empty spaces a full garden of zinnias. I long for flowers that are easy to arrange as currently I feel every bouquet requires me to think about how I would use each flower.

 After much prodding from my daughter I finally glazed the pottery that I’ve had waiting in the studio since March. It required a couple of really late nights but I’m pretty happy with the results. Mostly pots for us to plant our indoor garden. Luna has been fascinated with The Joya which is a beautiful climbing indoor plant that actually has probably 100 different varieties. I will try and include a couple of photos of the Hoyas planted in the pockets that I created in March. Oh, I tried my hand at porcelain which was fun but having a different clay body is challenging and we’ll see what you think. As many of you know I love to carve into the pottery that I create but the porcelain was so thin that I couldn’t do any carving. I punctured the wall of one mug three times and finally gave up. So, I tried my hand dipping the cups in the glaze. The cross over of the two glazes is quite nice. I also made a little set of five nesting bowls. They will be available in the barn first come first serve or send me a message.

At my clinic we continue to offer Covid 19 vaccination. If you know anyone who is interested and is looking for an easy walk in way to get the vaccine send them to our website: https://virginiagarcia.org/covidvaccine2021/ vaccination updates weekly with our various locations.

If you are still working on getting your home gardens planted, never fear we have tons of plants. The easiest is to look on our website and order: https://pumpkinridgegardens.square.site/.

If that does not work for you, go ahead and text me and I can see what I have available. Polly and I do the veggie start business together so some of the items are at her farm and some are here.

Do sign up to help us harvest , as we head into pea and cherry tomato season we can use the extra hands.

Here are some recipes for this week:





From our member Dana: “We tried this recipe for sugar snap peas and radishes and it was delicious”:


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