Final Winter Harvest 2021-22

  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Chard
  • Purple sprouting broccoli
  • Parsley
  • Braising mix

We made it to the end of season! We have tried to give you a wide selection of veggies available during our winters. The last weeks have been heavy on greens that cook down and can be used in a variety of ways. I made the Persian spring treat known as Kuku. I used all the spinach , parsley and kale. I added a store bought bunch of cilantro and found some dill in one of the greenhouses. Basically it incorporates whatever green you have plus herbs on hand and then many spices. It calls for only 6 eggs, which seems like too few for all those greens, but it works out. I cook it for 40 minutes and not just 20. If you have any greens from last week here is my way for you to use them up.

I have been pondering why people seem less interested in CSA this year. I am sure some of it has to do with the desire to travel and get out of town this summer after 2 years of pandemic shut in. The problem with this approach to food is that agriculture is an investment. Supporting local organic regenerative agriculture you are enabling farmers to protect and nourish the land and build healthy soil. If you just contribute to this type of agriculture when it works for you then it does not take into consideration the multi year investment the farmer makes. Our type of farming is a commitment to Sheppard the land and raise vegetables that are nutritious and pesticide free. We build the soil, we don’t simply extract from it. Conventional agriculture is extractive and raises food that has 90 % less nutrients than it had 50 years ago ( Paul Hawken –

Consider listening to or watching Paul Hawken interview here:

I may be telling you all things you already know, yet let us all do our part in trying to save this planet. I have also been listening to the Real Organic Project: that is timely, intense and motivational. It keeps me company while I transplant peas, spinach and lettuce weekly.

I am including here some recipes for you to enjoy this week. The purple sprouting broccoli is delicious roasted. I just toss it with olive oil and shred Pecorino Romano cheese on top and put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Here are other recipes:

Kuku: Samin’s way:

Kuku: Melissa’s way:

Other spinach recipes:

Feel free to share your favorite recipes with me and I will include in the recipes in the future. There is a lot more spinach and chard on the way – good food!

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