Week #27, 2022

  • Sweet Peppers
  • Hot peppers
  • Radicchio
  • Cilantro or parsley or thyme
  • Tomatoes
  • Spinach or arugula
  • Eggplant is back?!
  • Winter squash
  • Celeriac
  • Zukes or cucumbers
  • Fennel
  • Broccoli or cabbage
  • Escarole or lettuce
  • Onions
  • Potatoes
  • Green Beans or cherry tomatoes for tomatillos

We pulled off the annual harvest festival last Sunday without a major hitch. The atmosphere was more subdued than years past but the farm felt open and the food was delicious.It was great to have families enjoying our space and to see so many happy faces. It felt like we created a sense of community, one of our primary goals in growing food this way.I learned that watching “Chef’s table Pizza” on Netflix could be helpful but not the gospel. We appreciated the help from so many that came and prepped and helped us clean the barn and surrounding areas. 

As we near the end of the season we contemplate what went well and what could have gone better. We look forward to your feedback on what you enjoyed and how we can improve. Farming is always humbling. We have some control and assume that we have done things “right” when we have successes and blame ourselves when things don’t go as planned. Weather has a lot to do with it, dumb luck and hard work.

We still have space for a few more subscribers for our winter share. We will be dishing up veggies all winter with an every other week harvest schedule. November is packed as we continue to supply our members with late summer and fall crops. Come December we slow down and give you greens and the like until February when other leafy greens are available. We look forward to serving up delicious food for you and your family 12 months a year.

Helvetia is once again threatened as are all rural areas in Metro with a new decision to be made on October 18th. Washington County commissioners will decide on a Defacto Westside Bypass that would enable commuters to speed through productive farmland and important habitat. Do not delay, Please take action today: https://friendsoforegon.salsalabs.org/wa_ord_883_ Let the commissioners know that you are watching and that farmland is important to you, even if you do not live in this county, now is the time to act to protect our farm, your food and agricultural land all around our area.

Please remember to vote! Get informed about what is on the ballot and vote. Make no mistake about it, our democracy is fragile and at risk. We must all do our part to help get people elected that will make intelligent decisions and support a woman’s ability to choose and work to right the wrongs of a nation built on slavery – make reparations.Her is the link to Oregon Voter Guide put out by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters: https://theoregonvoterguide.com/ballot

Here is the link to Planned Parenthood of Oregon Endorsements: https://ppaoregon.org/elections/

What to make this week:

  1. Eat a radicchio salad!! Escarole is great in salad too!
  1. Enjoy roasted veggies!! Winter squash, onions, fennel, broccoli
  2. Use that celeriac:
    1.  Ottolenghi’s Celeriac and tart apple salad: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2010/nov/27/apple-and-celeriac-salad-recipe
    2. The best celeriac recipes: https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/15-best-celeriac-recipes-article
  3. Love that Fennel!! I just slice it and eat it. Thanks to my sister Dee I have learned to grow and love fennel, actually one of my fall and winter favorites. I will be transplanting more this week to fill our greenhouse for winter. 
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